Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Oysters on the East

I like the East river, it's fun. It has alot of water and fish. The water in the East river is not totally clean but people are trying their best to clean it up. It's hard because it has been neglected for so long and people just started to clean it up. East river was and still is a very active harbor. East River is part of the New York estuary. It is Brackish water and has many life in it. It has flonder, phyto-planktin and zoo-panktin. It has alot of pollution but it is also bio-diverse.
We at the Harbor School have gone to the New York Harbor (Hudson River, East River, etc) many times. At the East River we do many things. We do water quality, talk about specific life in that part of the river and observe the river from where we are. One trip on the river was to the South Street Seaport Museum. We learned about oyster life in the river. East river use to have a huge oyster reef. An oyster is a muscle inside a shell. An oyster reef is a structure made of a hard substance that allows oysters and other mollusks to attach.
We learned alot about oyster restoration is the process by which artificial reefs are made to allow for oysters to repopulate. Oysters are very important to the New York Harbor because they were a huge delicacy, a big profit and filtered the water. We had the opprotunity to examine oysters and even had the opprotunity to feast on them. I didn't because the insides were way too gooey and slimy. It made me sick and I couldn't bare the sight. After that we labled the insides of the oysters on a piece of paper and then dicected it. It was fun but the smell got to me. I had a fun time some moments were good and some were bad but I learned alot. I think that the East River is super important and vital to New York city.